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1 - 24 of 841 posts

12 Tips From a Teacher to Prepare Your Child for

10 min read

As a new school year approaches, parents naturally want to ensure their children are set up for success. This process involves more than just buying school supplies; it requires thoughtful preparation, both academically and emotionally. Whether your child is entering elementary school, high school, or transitioning between the two, these steps will help them start…

August 21, 2024
Julie Diamond

Girls with school bag

Benefits of Joining Extracurricular Activities for Students

7 min read

There are seemingly endless options for after-school activities that your children can get involved in, from soccer to swimming to piano lessons. But what do your children really get out of these activities? Here are some reasons why your kids should participate in extracurricular activities, beyond the standard ‘it looks good on a resume.' Joining…

August 19, 2024
Susan Cumberland

Kids in music class

Find what you are looking for at Mulgrave School!

3 min read

Mulgrave School’s mission of Inspiring Excellence - the pursuit of personal best - in Education and Life is one that rings true in its holistic approach to education for every student from their wee preschoolers to the Grade 12s who are ready to spread their wings. With the IB programme at its core, Mulgrave offers…

September 28, 2023
Carlie Parkinson

child at Mulgrave School

How to Help Your Child Become a Reader Using Their

6 min read

Using a child’s passions brings out their innate genius. Assigned school subjects are not usually what children are interested in, but parents and tutors can help a child to use their hidden passions when an assignment is given and I know how to help your child read.

September 6, 2023
Dr. Victoria Waller


4 Reasons to Book Fall Activities

5 min read

Summer is coming to an end and now is time to start planning which activities your children will be doing this Fall. Extracurricular activities are a huge part of children's growth and development. They provide an opportunity for children to have new experiences, meet new people, and learn new skills. On top of all that…

August 23, 2023
Carlie Parkinson

kids doing activities


12 min read

When we think of educational field trips choices, we traditionally start with places like art galleries and museums, and planetariums and aquariums to name a few. They are obviously great choices for children to learn from. Nowadays, the list is long for places to visit outside of the classroom where learning is reinforced in some…

August 14, 2023
Lorrie Holmes

Field Trips - teacher and class

Exciting Back to School is coming!

< 1 min read

It’s been a great summer filled with quality moments with our families at exciting locations around the city. There are a few weeks left, but now it is time to start preparing for the school year. In this issue, we have an article to help you choose a location for a new early learner. It’s a tough…

July 28, 2023
Carlie Parkinson

Back to School

TKS is the world’s top innovation program for students ages

3 min read

The world has changed. The advice we give our young people needs to change along with it. What was once true (in many cases) no longer is.  For example - in high school, students are still told that as long as they optimize for good grades, an extracurricular, and play on a sports team, this…

June 12, 2023
Carlie Parkinson

TKS - children gathering

CURSIVE: Outdated or Relevant?

5 min read

It made me wonder if cursive was a thing of the past or something worth reviving. It’s certainly a highly debated topic in educational settings. The role of cursive is ambiguous at best and there are no clear answers. One thing we can all agree on is that the role of cursive in modern education…

October 25, 2022
Rebecca Hastings


3 Reasons Why Your Child’s Eye Exam Is More Than

4 min read

While you may think eye exams are unnecessary if your child sees clearly (or isn’t complaining about their vision), it may be more helpful than meets the eye.  The importance of these exams is much more than just finding out if your child’s vision is blurry and updating their prescription. 

September 9, 2022
Carlie Parkinson

eye exam

5 key driving tips to keep kids safe during the

3 min read

The survey, part of this year’s BCAA Back to School Driving Safety campaign, showed that 74% of drivers surveyed don’t know how to tell when a school zone ends and 69% are confused about stopping in school zones. Further, more than half (60%) reported witnessing drivers acting hostile near schools and 80% reported witnessing speeding…

September 6, 2022
Carlie Parkinson


3 Tips for a More Sustainable Lunchbox

5 min read

Back-to-school is around the corner and that means back to packing lunches (sigh). With many schools increasingly adopting “Litterless Lunch” policies, the pressure is on parents to pack more eco-friendly lunchboxes. However, while research* shows that 76% of Canadians would like tips for little changes they can make in everyday life that would benefit the…

August 22, 2022
Sam Lazuric


5 Exciting Fall Activities You Must Know About

5 min read

There are seemingly endless options for after-school activities that your children can get involved in, from soccer to swimming, piano lessons to STEM. But what do your children really get out of these activities? Here are some reasons why your kids should participate in extracurricular activities, beyond the standard 'it’s something to do.’

August 17, 2022
Carlie Parkinson

Fall Activities

5 Useful Tips to Help Your Child Transition Back into

5 min read

It’s August and the Back-to- School commercials have begun! The discussion about September is underway and you start to wonder how to prepare your child for the new school year. As a teacher and founder of the tutoring company Teachers to Go, I know that the summer can be a hectic time for parents, regardless if you are…

August 10, 2022
Julie Diamond

young girl smiling and studying for school

5 great ways to get through homeschooling again!

4 min read

We've been asked to start homeschooling again. It is short-term and hopefully only until January 10th. Here are 5 ways to help get through this chaos.

January 3, 2022
Carlie Parkinson


7 Simple Tips for Finding the Perfect Preschool

6 min read

We were running errands when one of my teenagers shouted and pointed, “Look! It’s our old preschool!” Soon my other two teens were chiming in, “I loved it there!” and “That was my favorite school. Do you remember when…” And just like that, we were walking down a memory lane of craft projects, field trips,…

November 8, 2021
Rebecca Hastings

Finding the Perfect Preschool | | BC Parent Newsmagazine

10 Helpful Tips For You and Your Child with Back-To-School

7 min read

September is known as a very stressful month for parents and kids, so let’s make a plan to reduce the stressors and lower the anxiety in your home. Here are 10 tips to help your children get over it.

August 19, 2021
Sharon Selby


Preparing your kids for back to school during COVID

7 min read

Come September, families are expected to send their kids for in-person learning at school. It is an important and welcome step for all. My granddaughter moving to grade two cannot wait to get back to school, especially to play with her classmates! This article provides some tips on preparing your kids for back to school…

September 1, 2020
Rashinda Suleman


12 helpful ways to reduce stress and prepare for back-to

6 min read

With the recent announcement of return-to-school plans, although with a minor delay, many children and parents are feeling a heightened amount of stress during this uncertain time. A teacher, a parenting coach, and a doctor gave some helpful suggestions for you to help your child prepare for September. A kindergarten teacher’s advice  (Amy Tekatch, a…

August 12, 2020
Kera Skocylas

back to school stress

9 Useful Back-to-School COVID Sleep Tips

13 min read

All those fun summer days filled with sunshine, family activities, and late nights are quickly coming to an end. Often this means getting back into a family routine that helps everyone get the sleep they need and get back on track. Back-to-School COVID sleep tips you can use to not only get our kids’ schedules…

August 5, 2020
Jolan Holmes

sleep tips

We’re going Back-to-School!

2 min read

It’s hard to believe Summer is almost over. The time flies by so fast with summer camps, summer activities, camping trips and much more to fill the day. It’s now time to start thinking about school again. It’s time to go through the wardrobe and see what kids haven’t outgrown, go through the school supplies…

July 31, 2019
Carlie Parkinson

Girl going Back-to-School

Brain Food for School Success

4 min read

As we start to settle into September and prepare for the new school year, here are my top five foods for brain health to help your kids do their best this year. 1 Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, and trout. Fishy tasting fish might not be your child’s first choice when it…

September 19, 2018
Jess Pirnak

Food shaped like a brain

It’s time to plan the Fall activities

4 min read

Back to School is just around the corner. It's now time to stop thinking about which Summer Camps to enroll the kids in and consider which activities for them to do after school and on weekends. Will it be the same as last year? Or are you considering something new? Here are some ideas that…

August 9, 2018
Carlie Parkinson

children dancing

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