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Spring Break is coming fast!

Activities, Camps, Lower Mainland, Okanagan
February 5, 2021
2 min read
Spring Break

We are now just over 5 weeks from Spring Break 2021. The usual routines have probably changed for you, I know they have for me, but there is a glimpse of normalcy on the horizon. How we all dream of days without masks, time with friends, trips to the movie theatres. With the vaccines on the way and being distributed, 145,000+ have been given so far, we are definitely getting closer to having those experiences again.

In the meantime, what can be done to fill the days of the upcoming 2-week Spring Break Holiday, while still fitting in time to work? Do your children need a lot of activity to get their sillies out? Are they constantly looking for something to do and you don’t want screentime to be the only option?

Here are a couple more options that may work for you, especially if you have very active children that like physical play.

Cirque Theatre Company presents: Acro, Circus Arts and Rhythmic Gymnastics Camp
2515 East Vernon Road, Vernon
[email protected]
call us today: 866.696.5035
March 15-19: Gymnastics Canada’s honoured founder of Acrobatic Gymnastics joins an International Gymnastics Star to create a unique opportunity.  Girls ages 5-10, come EXPLORE, CREATE and have FUN with us: Acrobatics, Aerialhoop, Tightrope, Ribbon dancing, Juggling, Hulahoops, Tricks and more!

Spring Break is coming fast! - BC Parent Newsmagazine

Elevate Ultimate Disc Sports
Spring Break Camps
[email protected]
What’s fun, socially-distanced, and adored by parents and kids? Elevate Ultimate! They offer disc sports camps for ages 6 – 19, in Lower Mainland. Trusted by 1000+ parents, their coaches focus on long-lasting values like open-mindedness and teamwork.

Spring Break is coming fast! - BC Parent Newsmagazine

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