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How to Survive a Family Home Renovation With Kids Around

Activities, Parenting
October 19, 2023
5 min read

Renovating a family home can be challenging enough without children present – let alone when doing it on your own!

Renovation projects can be noisy, chaotic and disruptive – not to mention dangerous! When combined with power tools and workstations that look like play areas for small children, a disaster could easily ensue.

1. Establish a safe zone

Remodels can be dusty, disruptive and disruptive – not to mention potentially hazardous for children who may become exposed to dangerous fumes from construction materials and power tools. Unsupervised children could run into construction materials or become injured from falling power tools or running into other hazards like power tools.

Communicating openly with your contractor before work commences is the key to ensuring safety for you and your family during a home renovation project. Inform them which areas will be off limits and what age/mobility of children they must account for; they will help put up barriers or limit access in these areas for their protection.

Introduce your children to the workers who will be coming and going from your house during renovation, as this will make them more at ease with newcomers they don’t know and reduce anxiety for everyone involved in living through such changes together. Children often pick up on our emotions and can become sensitive when things change abruptly, which makes this approach especially helpful when managing changes that affect children directly.


2. Keep them occupied

Home remodeling can leave children feeling disoriented and discomfited; therefore, to reduce anxiety over these changes and maintain routine, it’s beneficial to keep children as busy as possible during this period. To minimize their feelings of insecurity during a remodel project, activities designed to keep them active should be implemented frequently and frequently.

This may mean taking your children on playdates or sleepovers with friends, and asking friends and family members if they would be willing to lend you a hand with childcare if needed. Don’t be intimidated to do this – it can save a great deal of stress and worry.

Milks suggests including your children in the planning process by assigning small tasks like selecting their bedroom duvet and lighting fixture as part of a remodel, so they feel invested and understand what’s happening and can appreciate its final results more fully. Plus, their less likely to complain about mess and noise if they feel involved – especially true for toddlers!

3. Make it fun

Renovation can be exciting for kids despite its disruption and chaos; involve them in the design process or assign them their own room so that they feel ownership over it all.

Before embarking on any remodel project, it’s essential that your children understand what they can expect and aren’t surprised or shocked when strangers start working in their home. Furthermore, being informed helps children understand why changes need to be made so they feel more engaged with the remodel process.

Make renovation more bearable for all by taking breaks and spending time on family activities during renovation, such as taking it slowly so the dust and chaos are minimized. Spring and summer are great times to renovate as children’s routines don’t shift as drastically and vacation plans can be more easily planned out – not to mention it won’t be so cold!


4. Keep it normal

Renovating can be a complex and time-consuming task, especially with children around. By following these helpful tips and keeping everyone satisfied during this exciting new chapter in your home’s history.

As part of any renovation, it is crucial to be honest and forthcoming with your children about what will take place in their home. That way they will be better prepared for the inevitable chaos and noise when it arrives, making for less surprises when things change dramatically.

Maintain a regular routine as much as possible during renovation, keeping to meal and bedtime schedules, daily activities, etc. It would also be wise to ask friends or relatives nearby who could host playdates for your children during this timeframe.

Amazing collection of bifold or folding patio doors can be ideal too. Lastly, keep it normal and everyone will be happier during this transition.

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Eric Adams is a blogger with a passion for writing about a variety of topics. He is a graduate of a US college and has two kids and a wife. Eric is always looking for new and interesting things to write about, and he loves sharing his knowledge and insights with others.

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