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5 ways to prevent the summer slide

June 3, 2021
5 min read
summer slide

Most people will agree that the summer slide is real, and something that all parents and caregivers should try to avoid. This year is no different; in fact, this summer it is even more important. Our children missed three and a half months of school in 2020 and even though they were in school all year, experts feel some children never caught up from the time missed. This summer is a great time to ensure your children retain the skills they learned this year and make sure they’re caught up and ready to start strong in Fall 2021.

Continuing educational activities over the summer months is one way to combat the summer slide. Here are 5 ways to continue your child’s learning over the summer while keeping it fun:

  • Use everyday moments as learning opportunities. Children can work on their math skills while baking or by creating their very own board game. Encouraging a summer reading challenge or playing with educational activity kits are also great ways to combine learning with fun.
  • Remember to unplug and limit screen time. There’s no denying there are great learning tools online, but children don’t spend the majority of their classroom time in front of a screen. Online resources offer prepared pencil to paper assignments that can help take the pressure off parents trying to create worksheets for themselves. Many studies show that writing things down helps children remember them, and the act of producing work independently from memory without the prompts provided by a keyboard forces children to engage with their work more closely. As a result, this helps them to commit their learning to long-term memory.
  • Encouragement is key. Children thrive off encouragement so make sure you celebrate the victories however small or large. This will help to keep your children motivated and foster a love for learning.
  • Try and create a general daily routine that includes time for learning, 30 minutes to an hour each day will help keep skills fresh in children’s minds. In doing so, your child also knows what to expect for the day and maintains some structure over the summer. This will help them in September as they ease back into their school routine. If you have older children, work together on a schedule, so they feel involved in the process. 
  • Don’t just teach indoors – learning can happen outside too! The summer sun and fresh air can help with concentration and open up a new perspective on learning topics. Try writing your math equations on water balloons instead of flashcards or playing word games with chalk on the driveway. 

Tutors that can help your child be ready for September

If you feel like your children need a little more to get ahead for September, why not consider using a tutor to help get them up to speed. Here are four tutors that can help.

5 ways to prevent the summer slide - BC Parent Newsmagazine

BrainAcademi Learning Center
North Vancouver – In-Person and Online
(Ages 6-14)
BrainAcademi’s multi-sensory Literacy Program is research-validated and supports students reading below grade level or struggling to keep up in the classroom. This specialized program is designed for students with Dyslexia, Written Output, and Orthographic Processing.

5 ways to prevent the summer slide - BC Parent Newsmagazine

The Reading Foundation
[email protected] 
The Reading Foundation specializes in the assessment and treatment of learning difficulties through intensive remediation. Our internally designed, research-based programs address reading and spelling, math, comprehension, and writing. We offer enrichment programs and have extensive experience with English Language Learners.

COVID-19 Safety Protocols:  
Face masks, a daily health screening and temperature check, and frequent hand cleaning are required for everyone. Our staff and students are separated by plexiglass barriers when distancing is not possible. Online sessions are also available for those who are unable to attend in person.

5 ways to prevent the summer slide - BC Parent Newsmagazine

School is Easy
Greater Vancouver 604-439-1790
Richmond 604-283-9914
In-Home/Online TUTORING. Award-winning service in the Lower Mainland since 2002. Free consultation. Learning Plan. Quality tutors. All grades 1-12 and University/all subjects. *Math *Science * English *French immersion * ESL * Elementary * Study skills *SAT exam prep *Autism * ADHD *Special Ed

免费咨询。教育计划。高素质的学科专家。一到十二年级及大学所有科目。数学 – 科学 – 英语 – 英语作为第二语言 – 法语 – 学习技巧 SAT考试准备 – 特殊教育 大温哥华604-439-1790 列治文 604-283-9914

5 ways to prevent the summer slide - BC Parent Newsmagazine

Symbols Multi-sensory learning
[email protected]
Is your child struggling with reading, writing or math?  Symbols offers 1-to-1 tutoring based on the multisensory, phonics-based Orton-Gillingham (OG) approach.  Lessons are available in language (reading, writing and comprehension) and math, and are individualized to your child’s level, needs and abilities.

COVID Protocols:  All lessons are currently online only, from the comfort, convenience and safety of your home.  In September, we expect to offer a choice of continued online learning, or a return to in-person learning in our Vancouver, Coquitlam and Richmond locations.

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