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Is the Holiday Season Impacting Your Mental Health? Here are 3 Things to Think About.

Christmas, Health, Seasonal
December 20, 2024
4 min read
Mental Health

The holiday season can sometimes feel like a pot of pasta on the stove—calm one moment and bubbling over the next.

For some reason, the holidays always have a way of sneaking up on us. Then, before we know it, we get buried with an endless to-do list. seem to sneak up on us, and before we realize it, we’re buried under an endless to-do list.

Here are 3 things to think about to determine if the holidays have taken control of your life and mental health

What Are You Prioritizing?

The holiday season is often centered around “more”—more gatherings, more presents, and more things to do. We rarely stop to consider what we might need to eliminate during this busy time. The first things to go are usually the activities that help us to prioritize ourselves, such as taking walks, going to exercise classes, or setting aside time to prepare meals. Make sure that you are making time for the things that make you feel best. 

dinner harming mental health

Am I Neglecting Important Relationships?

With packed schedules and increasing demands, it’s common for our relationships to be neglected during the holidays. When feeling stressed, we might take it out on those closest to us. We may even start blaming others, especially our partners, when things don’t go as planned. It is always helpful to examine what you can control in your relationship and figure out what you need right now. While it might not always be possible to fulfill that need instantly, simply recognizing it and communicating it to your partner can make a big difference.

Child at Christmas Tree

Am I Isolating Myself Too Much?

The holidays bring a flurry of events—from children’s performances to office parties and family gatherings. Saying no to too many invitations and withdrawing from social situations can be a sign that your mental health has been affected. Turning down one or two invites might be understandable, but if you find yourself avoiding all social interactions, it may indicate a deeper need for connection and support. When overwhelmed, our minds often trick us into thinking solitude will help, but in reality, spending time with others can often be a mood booster. 

Is the Holiday Season Impacting Your Mental Health? Here are 3 Things to Think About. - BC Parent Newsmagazine

There are always certain expectations around the holidays, which can cause more pressure to make everything perfect. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it is important to reach out for help and make sure you continue to prioritize healthy habits and positive relationships. 


Dr. Shahana Alibhai is a professional speaker, family physician and mental health expert. She has worked with a multitude of organizations to help their audiences gain more clarity into their mental health. As a lead physician at one of British Columbia’s largest youth health centers, much of her career is focused on those struggling with their mental health. Her insights are highly sought after and she’s been featured in major media. 

A master at blending her personal story of postpartum anxiety and the resulting shame, denial and mental health challenges with her professional background in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness meditation, Dr. Shahana is best known for her TEDx talk “Emotional Literacy for Better Mental Health.” She is part of the 262 Women’s Movement and the winner of the Canadian College of Family Practice Residency Award.

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