National Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Promoting Prevention and Empowering Lives
Cervical cancer remains a significant global health concern, yet it is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer when detected early.
Dr. Henry has spoken! By order and direction of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), BC restrictions have been extended until Feb 5, 2021. All events and social gatherings are suspended until Feb 5, 2021 to significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission related to social interactions and travel.
It means no playdates, no outdoor gatherings, no backyard gatherings, no indoor or outdoor events (except drive-in), no eating in restaurants with anyone outside of your household bubble.
These activities are not considered a social gathering:
Of course, mask-wearing is still a requirement in all public indoor settings, as outlined in the mask mandate order. A face shield is not a substitute for a mask as it has an opening below the mouth.
Now, how to fill the time on a rainy day while limited screen-time and not having playdates? Here are a few ideas to fill your weekend and keep your children busy.
Cervical cancer remains a significant global health concern, yet it is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer when detected early.
Relationships are at the core of our human experience. We connect, make friends, and often make life-changing decisions based on our bonds with others. But as parents, have we ever stopped to evaluate our relationship with our own children? Children don’t come with a parenting manual; they arrive in our lives, and we do our…
A new indoor play space in New Westminister.