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Spring has officially sprung!

March 22, 2021
< 1 min read

Spring is finally here. The flowers are blooming, the birds are tweeting, and the vaccines are being given. It feels as though we’re nearing the end of a really long Winter. “We can now see the light at the end of what has been a difficult and challenging time for us all. To get us through, we need to continue to work together and support each other,” said Dr. Bonnie Henry, March 2, 2021. It’s exciting to start planning Summer Activities, outings, and nearby trips, but we all need a little patience to ensure the vaccine rollout continues without a hitch.

BCParent hopes you enjoy our digital issue to keep you and connected while distanced. In it, you will find some tips on how a chiropractor can help all members of your family, how to help your children read a little more, and how to keep them happily going to school for the last couple of months!

Happy Spring!


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