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BC Parent Profile: Lisa Oppenheim an inspiring woman

Parent Profiles, Parenting
June 22, 2021
2 min read

We’re excited to include Lisa Oppenheim in our BC Parent profiles. Lisa is a woman of many hats. She’s an Actor, Teacher, Writer, Mom, and a Director of a Musical Theatre School for kids.

Here are some things you may not have known about Lisa.

Hometown: Vancouver, BC

Describe your family: I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two amazing children (a 3 year old girl and a 1 year old boy).

Current job/career: Co-Founder and Programming Director at Lights Up Musical Theatre Schools, where I help kids build confidence and life skills while singing, dancing and acting.

What’s the most challenging part of being a parent? The exhaustion. I have gone from a casual coffee drinker to a 3 cup a day mom just to keep up with my kids. I wish I could siphon off a little of their energy!

What do you love the most? This is a big question. My kids, is the first answer that pops into my mind. My job, my students, theatre, reading, food… a warm, sunshiny day… 

What have you been doing to stay sane during Covid? My gratitude journal is the main tool in my mental health toolbox. That and walks. Lots, and lots of walks.

What is your go-to family friendly Lower Mainland activity? When my family has a day together, we love to go for a walk in Pacific Spirit Park. My kids love the freedom of being able to run up and down the path without holding our hands, and we all enjoy the fresh air, trees, flowers, and all of the dogs we meet on the path.

Favourite rainy Vancouver day activity? Pre-Covid, I would have answered The Aquarium. Sadly, that is not currently an option. These days, we break out the craft tub and make art. My daughter loves to paint and glue things. Anything. She just loves to use the glue.

If you want to learn about a few other BC Parents – check out their profiles here.

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