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BC Parent Family Resource Guide

March 1, 2019
< 1 min read

Looking for upcoming Spring or Summer Camp information, independent schools or health professionals? Look no further. Have a read of the current BC Parent Family Resource Guide. We’ve also provided tips on places to explore in the Lower Mainland, Plans for Perfect Parties, How to identify your child’s learning style, information on the New Canada Food Guide.

Enjoy the read!


  • This guide is amazing. I am the owner of . I am a Pediatric Sleep Consultant and a Postpartum Support System. Right now we are working on launching a parent and toddler group program. I would love to be included in your guide one day.

  • The article on “Your Child’s Learning Style” is promoting a debunked myth about learning and cognition. Using Kumon and as sources is part of the problem, as these are not credible sources.

    The idea that each child has their own specific learning style and that that should be applied to all forms of learning in order to optimise learning is completely incorrect.

    Every learning situation benefits from specific learning styles based on the circumstances, e.g. learning to cook benefits from a combination of kinesthetic, visual, and auditory approaches. This would be true for all learners.

    Combining these approaches benefits all learners, which is why everyone benefit from books with visuals or pictures/videos with commentary, or hands-on learning with an expert demonstration beforehand. Learning rarely ever involves one approach.

    Additionally, this is why all teachers should use a rich variety of approaches for teaching, because these combinations – even if they aren’t applied together – benefit all of the students in the class.

    To say that one student should learn a different way from another student is simply not true, and I encourage parents and teachers to check out the following texts as evidence of this. For starters, here’s a Guardian article which uses credible sources:

    Recommended books:
    Five Teaching and Learning Myths–Debunked : a Guide for Teachers (2018) by Adam M Brown & Althea Need Kaminske
    Learning about Learning (2016) by National Council on Teacher Quality

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