So many kids get lice in January and it has nothing to do with their hair type, colour, gender or household income – it happens just after certain times of year when they gather in larger groups – like during the holidays.
The fact is that head lice are an incredibly common affliction, and no-one is immune! Lice can happen to anyone at any time regardless of hair type, hair colour, gender or household income. Lice are common in schools, in daycares, in camps – pretty well anywhere kids (or adults) gather.
Neurodivergent children—those with conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other cognitive differences—often face unique challenges in education, social interactions, and daily life. However, with the right support, these children can thrive and reach their full potential. Understanding the available services and resources in British Columbia is essential for parents, caregivers, and educators who want…
Relationships are at the core of our human experience. We connect, make friends, and often make life-changing decisions based on our bonds with others. But as parents, have we ever stopped to evaluate our relationship with our own children? Children don’t come with a parenting manual; they arrive in our lives, and we do our…
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