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BC Parent Profile – The talented Priya Tronsgard

Parent Profiles
November 24, 2021
4 min read
Priya talented

We’re happy to introduce a talented, local Vancouver mompreneur, Priya Tronsgard. Priya was the director of a licensed childcare facility in her hometown of East Vancouver. She is also the founder of Edify Learning Spaces and a proud parent of 2 neurodivergent children. She is currently working on an audiobook called Reframe: A Guide for Caregivers and Parents for Neurodivergent Children. We have also been fortunate enough to have her provide us with advice on Parenting Neurodivergent Children. Her family enjoys being in nature and they really lean into what they enjoy, such as art, music, coding, and visiting ice cream shops in search of the best chocolate ice cream!

Describe your family: Our family has 4 unique people who love different things so I believe we prioritize and are constantly trying to find the balance and time in our schedules. My parents are Indo-Fijian so I would like my kids to learn about the celebrated differences and gifts that were passed down to me. I hope that by teaching my family, I can help them enjoy cultural events, food, and the love that comes from my family’s origins. My hope is that we can appreciate many of the cultures in Vancouver as well as the Indigenous land we are on. We often attend local cultural events as a family to show the importance of community and culture. 

Current job/career: Founder of Edify Learning Spaces, as the founder of Edify Learning Spaces, I have the opportunity to help families who need a change in strategies for learning. I get to help families, students and help connect them to the best tutors. I get to use what I’ve learned from my past and help others. It’s a dream come true for me to help families and kids! The change I’ve seen in kids while they are at Edify has left me inspired and motivated me to help even more families. 

BC Parent Profile - The talented Priya Tronsgard - BC Parent Newsmagazine

What’s the most challenging part of being a parent? Organizing Time to fit in all the things I want my children to experience, from knowing what it means to be a good citizen, Indigenous rights, advocating for themselves, & finding enjoyment in the little things. They also have other goals that they work on including coding, swimming, music, and Tae Kwon Do. I find that for what they are exposed to – they are doing well. 

What do you love the most? I marvel at their comments when they are filled with joy. At that moment, I know that I’ll never experience it again in that exact way. Each moment is unique and special when they are joyful. I love that about our lives. 

What is the best advice you ever received as a parent? I have a large extended family but I remember my grandmother, who is still alive today, telling me to fill my children’s space with positivity, including words and energy. Just say good things to them, fill them up with positivity and they will feel my love and presence. This is also challenging when they are upset so I really have to repeat this to myself and let my children have the space they need to process their feelings and emotions. Still, the best advice has been to show my children positivity. 

What is something about you we would find surprising? My polyglot combination (English, Fiji-Hindi, Japanese, French)

Favourite self-care activity? I’d love to say going to the spa but my absolute favourite, hands down, is hanging with my friends, listening to 90’s music, and laughing.

Read more about other talented, local parents and what their loves are. We are always looking to get to know more about our readers and local BC parents. If you know someone that we should interview, please email Carlie [email protected] to connect.

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