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5 fun ways to incorporate yoga and mindfulness into playtime

4 min read

We have all heard about being mindful but if we are honest with ourselves we do not practice it enough. Mindfulness is very simple, we set aside time to sit and do nothing for several minutes. That's it! It's so simple, so why do we not do it? We know it's good for us, we…

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mindfulness and yoga

Why To Bring Back Pen Pals

4 min read

Some people think of pen-pals as an expired tradition, like black-and-white movies and 8-track tapes, but a lot of Circle of Moms members say writing and corresponding by hand via snail mail is still a necessary life skill. They're searching every day for old-fashioned pen-pals for their kids, and the surprising part is that the majority are searching…

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girl with learning disability looking for letter

Stay-at-home parents – how much should you earn?

2 min read

Here’s a question: if you were to be paid for every job you do as a stay-at-home parent, just how much would you be earning? Though we believe the price of a parents’ job is priceless, to find out, Funky Pigeon has created a calculator to tell you exactly what you could be earning. They’ve…

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stay-at-home Mom & Daughter cooking

4 self-care tips for first-year students

2 min read

Adjusting to a new life away from home can be challenging for first-year students, especially when they’re used to being cared for by their parents. A Whirlpool Canada survey found that almost half of Canadian students said that moving away from home had negatively affected their wellbeing. Now, with the onus on students to take…

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mother teaching daughter self-care

Post-Secondary Education Cost Gives 73% of Canadian Parents “Sticker Shock”

3 min read

Parents Don’t Know the Full Costs of Post-Secondary and Don’t Have a Written Plan - Says Ipsos and Knowledge First Financial  Recent findings from an Education Savings Week Ipsos1 Survey commissioned by Knowledge First Financial found that Canadian parents do not know the full cost of a post-secondary education. Two-thirds of parents of children aged 12 and…

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Mother talking to daughter about Post-Secondary

Four Tips for Feeding Picky Gluten-Free Eaters

3 min read

Trying to get a child to eat when they’re a picky eater can be stressful. When you add a food restriction to the mix, like gluten-free, feeding your child can seem like an impossible task; however, it doesn’t need to be. Kristen Yarker, a dietitian and child-feeding expert, shares practical strategies below to help you…

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Gluten free foods

Spend an unforgettable day with your family at the 2017

3 min read

With so many places to eat, shops to explore, art to admire and wildlife to spot, a trip to Granville Island makes an unforgettable family outing or field trip. But did you know that it’s also the home of the Vancouver Writers Fest, one of Canada’s premiere literary events? This year, the Festival celebrates its…

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Kids at Jennifer Gasoi Writers Fest

The Arts Umbrella makes a big SPLASH again!

3 min read

Experience the - power of creativity at Splash – Arts Umbrella’s 35th annual art auction and gala, presented by TD Bank Group. On Saturday, October 14, Canada's leading non-profit arts organization for young people will be hosting an unforgettable art auction and gala featuring close to 100 works by prominent BC artists. "Arts Umbrella is…

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Children making art in class

Reclaim Your House After Kids Go Back To School

10 min read

It’s the most wonderful time of the year -- time to send the kids back to school and reclaim your household!  After a summer of camps and goofing around inside, your house may need a little tough love to get back into shape for the fall. Research shows that the average North American home has…

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Kid's cluttered room

Aggressive driving in school zones is putting kids in danger!

5 min read

BCAA’s second annual School Zone Safety survey shows that driving in school zones has gone from bad to worse. In fact, this year’s survey shows a marked increase in concern across the board. Particularly alarming is that hostile/aggressive attitudes amongst parents such as honking or using profanities has jumped almost 30 per cent (51% to…

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10 Classic Games or Toys for Kids

3 min read

The Top 10 Classic Games or Toys that Kids Today Should be Playing With Revised for 2017 In 2012, What To Do With The Kids® asked parents to submit their list of the top classic games or toys they felt that kid’s today should be playing with but this time we decided to ask toy…

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3 Ways to Ease the Pain of High-Tech Parenting

6 min read

Last week, my teenager spilled a milkshake on his MacBook Air and I’m convinced it was on purpose. You see, he’s been lobbying for a PC because my current ability to satellite parent requires the household to be on Apple, lest I will have to come up with different parental controls. Parenting has always been…

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girls looking at a digital screen

Connection Between Exercising and Education

5 min read

Move More to Learn More: The Connection between exercising and education As parents, we’re all well aware that the mind and body are undeniably linked. Any new mother who has endured a sleepless night thanks to her newborn may have issues instantly recalling her breakfast from the previous day or that upcoming doctor’s appointment next Friday.…

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5 Ways to Raise a Healthy & Adventurous Eater

3 min read

5 Ways to Raise a Healthy & Adventurous Eater Raising an adventurous eater is all about instilling healthy eating habits and a spirit of curiosity and exploration in your child at an early age. Adventurous eaters typically have an open mind and are willing to try new things. Here are five tips for parents on…

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Healthy Eater

Are you Suffering from sleep deprivation?

4 min read

Sleep deprivation can also be a serious health issue for parents. To get some help we asked Laura Rosin, Sleep Consultant from WeeSleep, to answer our top questions based on a Facebook Poll.

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sleep deprivation

Astronomy with your Kids

4 min read

Astronomy has fascinated humans for centuries, but it’s often the youngest of us who marvel at the galaxy’s oldest mysteries. If your child has recently shown a growing interest in astronomy, it’s time to take full advantage of it. After all, learning about astronomy is a rare opportunity to get your kid excited about science…

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The Great Due Date Debate

5 min read

You’ve discovered you are pregnant and you’ve been told when your little bundle of joy will arrive! But how accurate is that date? Is there really a point to having a due date during pregnancy? It may give you an idea as to how long you have to decorate the nursery, shop for tiny cute…

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Unplugged and Unbothered

4 min read

Organize your electronics for a happier and healthier home If you spent 2016 lost in your electronics you’re not alone. It’s said that two thirds of Canadians own a smartphone and children average more than seven hours a day looking at screens. As 2017 starts, Professional Organizers in Canada (POC) say it is time to…

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Family looking at devices not unplugged

Training Your Child’s Brain

5 min read

In many ways, parents are the coaches of a young child’s Brain Fitness Regimen! Like professional coaches, it is important for parents to employ physical exercises and activity which encourages and stimulates both sides of the brain. Movement and visual exercises, which cross the mid-line of the brain and systematically work both left and right hemispheres, are very important to promoting the development of…

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child sits with mother for brain training

Teach Children to Stay Safe on the Internet

6 min read

Back to School Means Back Online: How to Teach Children to Stay Safe on the Internet NordVPN gives advice on keeping children safe online Going back to school is an exciting time of the year, but it also means children will be using Internet on a regular basis in school and at home to do…

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Father showing daughter technology and internet

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