4 Great Gifts for Toddlers!
straightforward. They are happy with most things, but as a parent, you want to get them something that will keep them happy for more than 5 minutes and won't end up in the garbage or clutter after a week.

straightforward. They are happy with most things, but as a parent, you want to get them something that will keep them happy for more than 5 minutes and won't end up in the garbage or clutter after a week.
Through play, you become an active role model for your toddler. If you are not the world’s greatest crafter, scientist, and so on, it is still worth taking the time to do some projects with your kids, teaching them that you are willing to give it go. You are showing them it is okay to…
While it may have been 28 years since The Wiggles' Anthony (Field) first got kids excited to sing and dance along with simple, bouncing, bounding songs about fruit salads, hot potatoes, bears in need of bedtime, and soaring propellers, he still has at least as much energy as The Orpheum requires to fill it, in…
Gone are the days when a child has to wait until age 4 or 5 to learn to ride a 2-wheeled bike. Now, toddlers as young as 18 months can get started on a balance bike, having fun striding along until one day, like magic, they are riding! No need for tricycles or training wheels.…