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Is Outdoor Risky Play The Secret to Healthier Kids?

7 min read

Think back to a favourite childhood play memory. Chances are, it took place outdoors and involved a small element of riskโ€”whether playing near a stream, climbing trees or enjoying a game of street hockey. Little did you realize it at the time, but this very activity played a crucial role in supporting your development. In…

May 8, 2024
Lauren Erdelyi

The Importance of Risky Play

7 min read

Risky play can be defined as a thrilling and exciting activity that involves a risk of physical injury, and play that provides opportunities for challenge, testing limits, exploring boundaries and learning about injury risk (Sandseter (2007; Little & Wyver, 2008).โ€ But, and I want to be really clear here, it is not about encouraging or…

May 28, 2021
Jennifer Hood


Summer 2016

< 1 min read

The 8-weeks of Summer can be hard to fill. In this issue, we've put together a list of the available camps from overnight (residential) camps to entertaining and educational camps. We also have some tips for you on the importance of risky play, ideas on how to help prevent the dreaded academic summer slide, and…

June 11, 2016
Carlie Parkinson

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