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Back to School is just around the corner!

< 1 min read

It’s hard to believe that summer is half over. The time has flown by and now it’s time to start thinking about getting back into a routine and preparing for the school year. What will this school year bring for you? New activities—dance, sports, theatre—or will it bring a focus on education? Maybe a combination…

August 9, 2018
Carlie Parkinson

Back to School cover

Montessori then and now: still ahead the curve in education

11 min read

Our ever-changing world impacts us in many ways; even in the way, our kids are taught at schools. In recent years, the BC government has been rolling out changes to the education curriculum, which has meant big differences to the way our children are taught in schools. There are several key changes that the BC…

February 18, 2017
Nic Enright-Morin


How to balance electronics and nature?

6 min read

So many parents today complain that their kids are always inside and plugged into their electronics, and never play outside with their friends like we used to when we were growing up. They are worried their young children are addicted to their Ipad and cell phone and wonder what to do. They have every right…

February 15, 2017
Brenda Fisher-Barber


From Fridge to Wall – cherishing your child’s art

4 min read

Transforming your child's cherished art pieces Cherishing your children’s art is a parent’s duty, but sometimes there is too much to put on the fridge and your house is overcome by pieces from your aspiring artist. How do you encourage your child and ensure that original pieces aren’t damaged along the way? How do you…

February 7, 2017
Carlie Parkinson

original art

The power of childhood volunteering

5 min read

Ever since I can remember, my family has put a significant focus on charity and giving. My brothers and I were taught at a very young age to look at the world around us and help those in need. I come from a family of philanthropists, big and small. This upbringing has set me on…

December 21, 2016
Emily-anne King

children volunteering

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