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Vancouver’s Pediatric & Family Wellness Chiropractor

1110-750 West Broadway, Vancouver


We hope you feel our positive, healing energy from the moment of our first interaction with you.  At Vancouver’s Pediatric & Family Wellness Chiropractor, we strive to combine the finest approaches in chiropractic care with a holistic approach to nurturing the body, mind and spirit.

Dr. Sabrina Chen-See, our Doctor of Chiropractic, is dedicated to continually improving her skills with technique, communication, and patient management to ensure you will receive the best possible education and service in our office.  Our patients tell us they love how thorough she is with assessments and reports, and really listening to their concerns. We take the time to take very specific x-rays, analyze them and explain our findings with you.

Our staff is specially chosen for their kind-heartedness, personality, and effectiveness in providing efficient, seamless service.  If you ever catch Wendy without a smile, please smile at her and she’ll revert to her sunny self.

Our office caters to a large spectrum of patients.  Some come to enhance athletic performance and cognitive functions. Others come to recover from injuries and trauma.  Many come to maintain in well-being, and to reverse the effects of everyday life stresses.   What is common to all our patients is a commitment to true health and a desire to make lives, families, communities and the world a better place than before.  We hold true to our motto, “Healthier People = Healthier Planet” with our dedication to our patients, educating the community, and serving others through charitable and humanitarian endeavours. 

We hope for a better future for humankind.  It is our overreaching drive to improve the future that motivates us to give each and every patient in our office the best possible service and care.  It is our honour to help you and yours in your respective health journeys.

Yours in health,


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