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Why To Bring Back Pen Pals

4 min read

Some people think of pen-pals as an expired tradition, like black-and-white movies and 8-track tapes, but a lot of Circle of Moms members say writing and corresponding by hand via snail mail is still a necessary life skill. They're searching every day for old-fashioned pen-pals for their kids, and the surprising part is that the majority are searching…

July 26, 2019
Guest Author

Children's disability tax credit

It’s never too early — or too late — to

7 min read

Experts now agree: It’s never too early (or too late) to teach kids about money. Money is an excellent teaching tool — and kids will learn about money whether you take an active role in that education, or not. The great news is that the daily routine of managing budgets, paying bills and finding that…

July 15, 2019
Romana King

child holding money

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