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1 - 24 of 841 posts

Pelvic Floor Health: the low-down

7 min read

Let’s get real: sneezing when you pee and painful intercourse are not usually topics that women are in a rush to discuss. But the reality is, pelvic floor dysfunction affects one in three Canadian women; a change commonly brought on by childbearing and menopause. But if you thought looking after your pelvic floor meant doing…

September 9, 2021
Nic Enright-Morin

image of Pelvic region

Occupational Therapy: Helping children learn to play

8 min read

If you thought occupational therapy was just rehabilitation programs and exercises for adults in recovery from workplace or sports injuries, then think again. Occupational therapy (or OT for short) is a catch-all term for treatment strategies to help people of all ages overcome challenges, (physical or mental) to live as independently as possible. But did…

November 14, 2019
Nic Enright-Morin

Occupational Therapist and child

The Myopia Epidemic

8 min read

The chances are that when you were a kid, some well-meaning adult probably convinced you that eating carrots would help you to see in the dark. While you might not hear that fictitious fact too often anymore, - cos’ let’s face it, carrots won’t give you night googles any more than eating blueberries will turn…

August 7, 2019
Nic Enright-Morin

child trying on glasses for myopia

The Whole Child

6 min read

As parents, we all want our children to get the best education possible, and we are lucky that here in B.C., we have some of the greatest schools in the world. But since the roll-out of the revised B.C. curriculum in 2016, education across the province has undergone a radical overhaul. The changes began in…

November 2, 2018
Nic Enright-Morin

The Whole Child

Is there a doctor in the house? There’s an app

3 min read

With the dark days of winter looming upon us, it can only mean one thing: tis’ the season to get sick. And as anyone with a family knows, when flu season hits and your children are unwell, getting kids proper medical care in a timely and efficient fashion can be a real challenge. We’ve all…

October 29, 2018
Nic Enright-Morin

ER app

Physical Literacy – An Exercise in Learning

9 min read

Over the past few years, the concept of physical literacy has grown in popularity around the world. If you’ve never heard of it, don’t feel bad – but before you ask, it’s nothing to do with running and reading books at the same time!   According to the International Physical Literacy Association, “Physical literacy is…

August 7, 2018
Nic Enright-Morin

Physical Literacy

Demystifying Psychological Educational Assessments

8 min read

All parents want their children to thrive. From the minute they’re born, we guide them through a million milestones - and then we send them off to school. Most kids just get it - they breeze through the A, B, C’s, math equations, and general school structure without a backward glance. But every so often,…

January 4, 2018
Nic Enright-Morin

boy-doing-homework after psychological educational assessment

Montessori then and now: still ahead the curve in education

11 min read

Our ever-changing world impacts us in many ways; even in the way, our kids are taught at schools. In recent years, the BC government has been rolling out changes to the education curriculum, which has meant big differences to the way our children are taught in schools. There are several key changes that the BC…

February 18, 2017
Nic Enright-Morin


Technology in the classroom

7 min read

The reality is that in the last twenty years technology has become a mainstay of everyday life, and like it or not, it is here to stay. However the effects of technology in schools is still largely unknown and studies into the subject have come up with no definitive answers either way.

April 8, 2016
Nic Enright-Morin


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