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Are you ready for post-secondary schooling costs?

3 min read

The thought of post-secondary education can be terrifying for parents. The idea of their children leaving the nest and becoming adults, coupled with the fear of the, potentially, enormous education bill makes any parent concerned. As we all know, the cost of post-secondary education increases annually. If your child is currently five, the cost of…

February 20, 2020
Carlie Parkinson

child holding money

Ask an Expert – Important answers to questions about RESP’s

4 min read

As parents, we want to do what’s best for our children, and part of that is ensuring they have a good education. When is comes to saving for their post-secondary education, things get confusing, especially with RESP’s. We polled our Facebook Fans to find out what they were most confused about when it came to…

May 5, 2016
Carlie Parkinson


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